文件类型:VoiceXML File
Text file containing code written in VoiceXML, an XML based language used for vocal interaction between a human and computer; typically contains speech recognition and speech synthesis functions that allow a computer to interact with a human via voice commands.VoiceXML is commonly used to process voice commands received by users via telephone; examples include selecting menu options, getting driving directions, and tracking orders through and automated voice recognition system.
The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) supports VoiceXML as a Web standard; the first draft of VoiceXML 3.0 was established in November, 2008..vxml
Mac OS
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Cisco Audium StudioNuance Cafe
Invores Systems EXpress 2.0
Idylic Phonic Telecom Voice Platform
Genesys VoiceGenie
Voxeo Evolution
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